Thursday, November 10, 2011

Rogan Josh

Serves 6

Rogan Josh is one of the most popular curry dishes served in restaurants today. The name means ”Red Curry” , the red being provided by the chilies.


2 tablespoons Ghee, or Clarified Butter

2 Pounds Braising Steak, cut into 1” cubes

1 Onion, chopped fine

3 Cloves Garlic

1-in. piece Fresh Ginger Root, grated

4 Fresh Red Chilies, chopped

4 Green Cardamom Pods

4 Cloves

2 Teaspoons Coriander Seeds

2 Teaspoons Cumin Seeds

1 Teaspoon Spanish Paprika

1 Teaspoon Sea Salt

1 Fresh Bay Leaf

¼ Cup Natural Yogurt

1-in. Piece Cinnamon Stick

2/3 Cups Hot Water

¼ Teaspoon Garam Masala

Freshly Milled Black Pepper to taste


1.       Heat the ghee in a large pot and brown the meat in batches.

2.       Add the onion to the ghee and stir over high heat for 3-4 minutes.

3.       Grind together the garlic, ginger, chilies, cardamom, cloves, coriander, cumin, paprika, and salt in a spice grinder.

4.       Add the spice mixture and bay leaf to the pot and stir until fragrant.

5.       Return the meat and any juices to the pot, and simmer for 2-3 minutes.

6.       Gradually stir in the yogurt to the pot while keeping the sauce simmering.

7.       Stir in the cinnamon and hot water. Season with black pepper.

8.       Transfer meat to a covered casserole dish and cook in a preheated, 350°F oven, for 1 hour, stirring frequently, until the meat is very tender and the sauce has slightly reduced.

9.        Discard the cinnamon stick, and stir in the garam masala. Remove any excess oil from the surface.

10.   Serve with  steamed basmati rice and naan bread.

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